Vierzehn Charaktere. Zwei Schauspieler:Innen. Ein Pub.
Lust auf einen Abend im Pub? Das Longpig Theater & das Fabriktheater präsentieren eine erfrischende Neuauflage von Jim Cartwrights modernem Klassiker.
Zwei Schauspieler:Innen geben eine große Bandbreite von Charakteren, die man nur in einem Nottinghamer Pub der 80er Jahre antreffen kann, zum Besten. Eine Mischung aus Humor, Wärme und Pathos zeigt in diesem Dauerbrenner von einem Theaterstück die Höhen und Tiefen im Leben und in zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen. Manchmal ist die stärkste Mischung eben die verschiedenen Leute im Pub. Prost!
Fancy a night down the pub? Longpig Theatre presents a fresh twist on Jim Cartwright’s modern classic.
Two actors bring a wide range of characters for a lively evening in an 80’s Northern pub. Blending humor, warmth and pathos, this ever-popular play explores the highs and lows of life and relationships. Sometimes the strongest spirit in the pub is — human. Cheers!
Longpig is a theatre company based in Nottingham, formed by two Northerners, Sylvia Robson & Gary Keane. We have a passion for telling human stories. After a sell out show at the Theatre Royal Third Stage in 2020, the pandemic put our plans on hold, but we have really enjoyed getting our teeth back into Two, a play we have admired for „bloody years!“
Jim Cartwright is an international, award winning dramatist, director and screenwriter. His plays are consistently in production and have been translated into over 40 languages and have been performed in most major theatres of the world, including The West End of London, The Royal Court, The National theatre and on Broadway. His theatre works include amongst many others; Road, Bed, Two, The Rise and Fall of Little Voice, Raz, Edinburgh Festival, Trafalgar Studios, London and nationwide tour and most recently The Gap, Hope Mill Theatre 2024. Among his extensive award winning television and film works are; Road, Johnny Shakespeare, Vroom, Wedded, and King of the Teds starring Alison Steadman, Brenda Blethyn and Sir Tom Jones.
Tickets: https://loveyourartist.com/en/profiles/fabriktheater-moabit-ev-B8SR19/events
Datum | Beginn | Eintritt |
29.11. & 30.11.24 | 19:30 | Ab 12,00€ |